Scottish Library & Information Council.

Keep the Heid and Read!

Case study
Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC)
Public relations, digital

The brief.

Promote Keep the Heid and Read! - a national initiative encouraging people of all ages and abilities to read for just six minutes a day to help boost their mental health and wellbeing.

What we did.

Our integrated campaign used media relations, community and partner collaborations, and influencer engagement to raise awareness of the benefits of reading and encourage people to establish a regular reading habit, securing a target of 50,000 people pledging their support to the national reading moment.


Bringing the ease and impact of reading to life, we set up ‘pop-up libraries’ in high footfall areas, encouraging the passing public to take six minutes out of their usual routine to sit back, relax and read, showing hoe easy it was to incorporate this into daily life. Activity was amplified through social media and highlighted in local media, with the added impact of word of mouth.

The results.

  • 76k+ people to join the national reading moment
  • 52% above KPI
  • 74 pieces of coverage
  • 12% average engagement rate on influencer posts
  • 9m audience reached
  • Winner! PRCA Dare Awards, CIPR Scotland PRide Awards
Heather Marston

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