Focus North.

Promoting opportunities that will shape the region’s future

Case study
Focus North
Public relations, digital, public affairs

The brief.

We created a new brand identity for the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership as part of a major review which saw a change in remit and approach, centred on maximising the opportunities of the area. We supported the organisation - now Focus North - to deliver a launch event which would allow them to reengage with key stakeholders and the community.

What we did.

We carried out pre-event research to inform content on the day and shape the agenda to ensure it was engaging and valuable for audiences.


We created promotional material that launched the new identity and showcased the programme goals including the event programme, internal and external venue branding and an impactful animation that told the Focus North story visually.


Social media graphics, a paid ad campaign and website content were produced to pre-promote the event and we liaised with key media and political stakeholders to keep them informed and secure endorsement and attendance.

The results.

  • Secured 154 delegates, 14 exhibitors and 12 speakers and panellists
  • 38,000+ social media impressions
  • Post-event media coverage achieved a reach of 432,782
Heather Marston

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