Inquiries and commissions.
Managing the unique and complex requirements of public inquiries and commissions
Public inquiries require careful management and a deep understanding of their structure and legal obligations. They are often a potent mix of competing interests operating under conditions of high media and political scrutiny.
In depth understanding and unrivalled experience
Our specialist team is adept at handling the unique and complex requirements of public inquiries and commissions including managing media, organising events and engaging with key stakeholders. We have unrivalled experience delivering on their unique communication needs including some of the highest profile inquiries in recent memory: the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, Edinburgh Tram Inquiry, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Independent Review, Scottish Hospitals Inquiry and the Commission on Local Tax Reform.
Creating effective multi-channel communications campaigns
We work hand-in-glove with inquiry teams to ensure key milestones are communicated at the right points and regular lines of communication are maintained with key stakeholders to ensure they are appraised of progress. Communications campaigns are developed to boost public awareness and understanding of the inquiry and encourage engagement, encompassing broadcast, online and outdoor channels to ensure as wide an audience as possible. Meetings with senior editorial staff help inform publications about inquiries' work while independence from government and outside political influence is maintained at all times.
Get in touch
If you are looking for advice or support with public affairs speak to one of our experts.
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or call us on
0131 225 7700

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Award-winning, results driven strategic communications for the public, private and third sectors, from corporate and consumer PR to employee engagement.
Invaluable insight and intelligence from across the Scottish and UK political landscape and professional advice on engaging influential stakeholders.
Creative, engaging and measurable digital and social media marketing that drives online conversations, builds brand loyalty and generates sales.